There are a number of different types of penis enlargement products in the market place, and they all have their strengths and weaknesses. And that means that you’ll have a choice to make. First of all, do you need a bigger penis? If you’re sure that this is right for you, then you can go to the main pages of the site, which detail the different types of penis enlargement we offer.
Safe and proven methods.
There are a few methods that really do increase your penis size. Thankfully, we have authentic reviews of that. However, you should know that it takes time and patience. There is no quick fit that will give you a huge hung in a matter of days, and there is also a steep learning curve when you want permanent length and girth for your penis.
Oh… And if you mess up, you could damage your crown jewels ! It sounds scary. Well, good, because it is, you need to be careful. This isn’t any thing like running on the thread mill or buying a new jumper. When you damage your penis with penis enlargement products, you could be damaging it for good.
Penis enlargement pumps.
Normal pumps take ages to work, but a good way to start your exercise, this is because there isn’t enough pressure in normal pumps. A permanent increase in size using penis pumps require a lot of pressure, However, this only really started to make a big difference when the range Bathmate Hydromax became available. Water penis enlargement pumps are some of the best ways to get a bigger penis, but mainly for girth size.
Penis extenders
Extenders which are mostly garbage. BUT, and it’s a big but, the ones which do work are great as you can wear them discreetly and they therefore slowly but surely increase your size. The results when you combine the water pump and extender are impressive.
Penis exercises
Penis exercise are a another way to get a bigger penis, they’re boosted by using penis water pumps and extenders. The results when you combine the tree are incredible.